Liverpool BE RT Low Pivot

Boyd Excell recommends this to allow the horse to be rounder and take more contact.

Key Features

The Pivot Low Port will lighten pressure on the tongue but not fully remove the pressure.  This keeps the bar pressure softer.  The single, tight joint allows for independent lateral aids while maintaining the profile of the mouthpiece in the mouth.  It is well suited to horses with a short smile due to the straight profile.  It will encourage those horses that are too light in the contact to take more contact. 


It is well suited to tongue sensitive horses that have difficulty flexing and do not put enough weight in the reins


The BE Liverpool RT applies both poll pressure and leverage to the mouthpiece.  The lower the rein is attached the stronger the leverage and poll pressure will be.  Cheek pressure provides additional emphasis to the lateral aids.

The BE Liverpool RT is available with 2 or 3 slots to allow more options for increasing/decreasing pressure.  The cheekpiece is not fixed and is able to rotate.


Boyd Excell recommends this to allow the horse to be rounder and take more contact.

Key Features

The Pivot Low Port will lighten pressure on the tongue but not fully remove the pressure.  This keeps the bar pressure softer.  The single, tight joint allows for independent lateral aids while maintaining the profile of the mouthpiece in the mouth.  It is well suited to horses with a short smile due to the straight profile.  It will encourage those horses that are too light in the contact to take more contact. 


It is well suited to tongue sensitive horses that have difficulty flexing and do not put enough weight in the reins


The BE Liverpool RT applies both poll pressure and leverage to the mouthpiece.  The lower the rein is attached the stronger the leverage and poll pressure will be.  Cheek pressure provides additional emphasis to the lateral aids.

The BE Liverpool RT is available with 2 or 3 slots to allow more options for increasing/decreasing pressure.  The cheekpiece is not fixed and is able to rotate.


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