Classic Dee Happy Tongue Straight Petros Swivel

Key Features

The Dee ring is similar in action to the Eggbutt, it prevents pinching and gives a slightly more solid feel against the cheeks. This prevents the bit from being pulled through the mouth. The release is slower and some slight poll pressure is introduced.
The Happy Tongue is a solid mouthpiece uniquely ported to give maximum tongue relief. The straight version is slightly stronger than the curved Happy Tongue but suits a horse with a short mouth / smile.  The forward angle encourages the nose to extending slightly past the vertical.


The 4 available ports have been scaled according to each width. This ensures accurate fitting over the bars and eliminates the rocking movement which occurs when the port is too wide.


The Petros mouthpieces rotate preventing the horse taking hold of the bit. Often good for a horse that leans or tries to take hold of the bit.


Key Features

The Dee ring is similar in action to the Eggbutt, it prevents pinching and gives a slightly more solid feel against the cheeks. This prevents the bit from being pulled through the mouth. The release is slower and some slight poll pressure is introduced.
The Happy Tongue is a solid mouthpiece uniquely ported to give maximum tongue relief. The straight version is slightly stronger than the curved Happy Tongue but suits a horse with a short mouth / smile.  The forward angle encourages the nose to extending slightly past the vertical.


The 4 available ports have been scaled according to each width. This ensures accurate fitting over the bars and eliminates the rocking movement which occurs when the port is too wide.


The Petros mouthpieces rotate preventing the horse taking hold of the bit. Often good for a horse that leans or tries to take hold of the bit.


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