Key Features
The Curb Gag uses the concept of a Rope gag but instead of applying poll pressure, it is used to apply curb pressure from the second/bottom rein. The curb gag should be used with two reins, slight poll pressure is applied while stronger curb pressure is applied through the bottom rein which will lift the head.
The Bombers Control Plate is set at 45° to follow the contour of the horses tongue. Best suits a horse that accepts tongue pressure.
The cheekpiece is available in 2 sizes, standard and a slightly smaller model for a pony. Supplied with leather curb strap.
For the horse that shakes its head up when in a snaffle. Recommended over the elliptical as the control plate offers a larger surface area for the pressure to be distributed over.
Supplied with curb gag ropes.
Key Features
The Curb Gag uses the concept of a Rope gag but instead of applying poll pressure, it is used to apply curb pressure from the second/bottom rein. The curb gag should be used with two reins, slight poll pressure is applied while stronger curb pressure is applied through the bottom rein which will lift the head.
The Bombers Control Plate is set at 45° to follow the contour of the horses tongue. Best suits a horse that accepts tongue pressure.
The cheekpiece is available in 2 sizes, standard and a slightly smaller model for a pony. Supplied with leather curb strap.
For the horse that shakes its head up when in a snaffle. Recommended over the elliptical as the control plate offers a larger surface area for the pressure to be distributed over.
Supplied with curb gag ropes.